PEEK Lottery Details:

  • The lottery’s entry period will run from 1:00-1:30pm ET on Thursday 3/06 at

  • Each character has its own lottery. Lottery entries for both characters can be purchased either together or in separate checkouts.

  • You will only be allowed one entry per person/household for each Peek. If you enter more than once for a single character, we will cancel ALL your entries for that character.

  • The first round of winners will be emailed a link to purchase their Peek. This will happen roughly 15-20 minutes after the entry period has closed, and they will have 15 minutes to checkout.

  • Make sure the email address you use to purchase your winning Peek is the same email address that was notified you won. If they don’t match, I will not recognize the email and assume it is a fraudulent order. It will be canceled and you will not be given a new chance to purchase. Use the correct email.

  • A second round of winners will be emailed after the first round has had their 15 minutes to checkout. Second round winners are not guaranteed a Peek, but do have a very high chance at one of the Peeks not yet claimed by the first round. First round winners are still able to purchase Peeks. Same applies to any subsequent rounds. It may take 60-90 minutes to get all rounds of emails sent, so don’t give up hope early. Check your spam folders.

  • Peeks are $100 to purchase, but there is no fee to enter the lottery. Paypal is NOT accepted.

During the lottery process, I keep my Twitter updated with what all is happening. I will tweet when emails for each character and round have been sent out. For people outside the US, please include your phone number in your information; I will need it to fill out the customs declaration.